Yes you read that correctly.. yours truly will be having her 4th surgery next week. ∗sigh∗ I’m still in a little bit of disbelief right now. But how did we get to this point? Lets go back and start the story from right after retrieval day..
(insert 90s sitcom flashback music 😛 )
After egg retrieval and the freezing of our potential offspring, they told me I should start feeling better in a few days as my hormone levels normalized. That sounded great! I was SO ready to go back to having normal human sized ovaries. Welllllll 4 days goes by and I feel no less bloated than on retrieval day. I’m having all kinds of issues.. my pants still don’t fit, my right side is super achy and worst of all, its keeping me up at night. A girl and her ovaries need their beauty sleep! So my doctor has me go in for blood work and as it turns out, NONE of my hormone levels have gone down. They are out of control and having a party that I was not invited to.. rude..
They put me on meds for 5 days and let me tell you.. those meds kicked in like 2 angry parents that came home early to a house full of kids and an open liquor cabinet. They shut that down QUICK! I was feeling better and back in my skinny jeans less than 48 hours later WOOT! But that’s not even the best part!! Yes it gets better! After the 5 days, my doc called and said the results of my new blood work showed I had perfect levels and that I could stop doing my daily shot! Did you hear that?? No more daily stabbing myself!!! That made the last shot I did #141.. SO crazy!
Anyways.. Our next steps were to wait until my cycle started and then go in for an SIS exam. Bottom line, its done so the doctor can see the lining of the uterus during an ultrasound. As the title of this post already spoiled for you, my appointment for this test did not go well. 😕
The test showed that between my 3rd surgery last year and now, one fibroid has grown into the uterine cavity and would be a huge problem for any embryos attempting to attach and grow. How annoying is that?? I expertly grew ONE ginormous fibroid. This is not what I meant when I was little and said I wanted to be really good at something when I grew up.. So my doctor said he wants to take that out before we do the embryo transfer. This is where surgery #4 crashed my happy parade. I went in hoping to get a transfer date and walked out with surgery instructions. Bummer..
And now for those visual people out there like myself, the blue arrow pointing to that black blob is in fact my uterus. The red arrow is pointing to the fibroid.. the second picture is to show the fibroid from a different angle.
Yeah.. kinda sorta a BIG problem..
After having a few days to let this sink in, a few good cries, and some delicious Shiner beer, I can honestly say I know it is the right choice. If we didn’t take it out, and the transfer of embryos didn’t work, I would always wonder if it was because of that one stupid fibroid. After everything we have done to get to this point, there is no reason to rush and potentially risk everything. As easy as it is to say that its really only one extra month, transfer day has never felt so far away from me. Its like I can see it, but only when I look through a glass window that I can’t figure out how to open. But I’ve never met a window I couldn’t defeat so Ill get through this one too of course! Oh.. and you can’t forget those good ‘ol daily shots I will get to start up again.. I am FULL of positive news today! haha
So next week I will get to make a surgery gown an epic fashion statement again and do ridiculous things that others find hilarious while being put to sleep. Side note → my nurse informed me that when they were putting me under on egg retrieval day, I refused to start the procedure until my doctor gave me high five. I don’t remember doing it but I believe them.. I can be crazy sometimes haha I can only hope to be as entertaining this time around as I was for the last 3! I’m SO ready to get this behind me, so like the title says.. surgery #4 here I come!! ♥
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